All posts by goodtooth

Affordable dentist practiced on me

I was in need of significant dental work, but my very tight budget prevented me from landing the procedures I desperately needed. I researched and stumbled upon an online ad from an affordable dentist. His promotion was that he was offering crowns at a lesser rate, as he practiced using a new in-office machine that makes crowns. I immediately reached out because I could afford his services and he was offering what I needed. This ended up being a terrible decision.

I was in his office for five hours. His machine kept giving him issues. In addition, the crowns were not fitting correctly. He made some changes to the tooth, then returned to the machine and was able to get them to fit. Now, in addition to my tooth being sore, my entire mouth is in pain. Is it possible that the dentist caused permanent damage? If so, am I responsible since he did, in fact, claim up front that he was offering the service and price because he was learning?



Dear Erica,

I am sorry you went through this. It is a good idea for you to return to the dentist and let him know that you’re in pain. When teeth are bothered a lot, as yours were, they can become irritated. It sounds like you had repeated try-ons, and your teeth probably became very sensitive to this. For basic irritation, an over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen, that is an anti-inflammatory, will help ease the pain and it should clear up in just a few days. However, the pain might not improve on its own. You mentioned earlier that you needed a crown, but held off getting one. It could be that decay has formed and your tooth is now in need of a root canal, but this may be difficult to prove.

Regardless, the dentist is responsible for the work he did, whether he promoted himself as an affordable dentist or said that he was offering the low cost because he was practicing. An ethical dentist will want to know that you’re in pain and experiencing problems, and he will want to fix them. But, if he gives you an problems or does not fix the issue, you will need to consult another dentist.

For future dental needs, it is important to focus your search on a dental provider who has quality services and experience, then consult with him or her about ways to work within your budget. Many providers offer affordable dentistry plans which allow patients to spread out the dental costs, or take advantage of insurance benefits. Financing your treatment or choosing from different treatment options at various price points may also be an option.

This blog is provided by Dr. Matthew Roper, an affordable dentist in Gilbert, AZ.


Dental numbing medications don’t work on me

I have found that numbing drugs do not work on me, like they typically would on patients. After several horrific experiences, it has been determined that I am extremely sensitive to the numbing drugs that dentists use and have learned that the only way for me to handle a dental procedure is to be unconscious. Do you have experience with patients like me?



There are many patients who have similar experiences with numbing drugs. For some, nitrous oxide will calm them enough for a drug like novocaine to work. However, others need to be completely sedated to become numb. If we are stressed or anxious enough, there is something in our body chemistry that prevents novocaine from working completely, or causes it to quickly wear off. It is typical for a patient to be hesitant to admit they have experienced something traumatic with a dental procedure. When this is the case, they would be given an injection of novocaine to numb the injection spot, allowing the dentist to know they are ready to proceed with the work. However, they begin to feel pain once the procedure has begun. This leads to nitrous oxide gas. However, if the dentist doesn’t wait long enough after administering the gas, the patient will still fill the pain. If a dentist waits until the patient is in a very relaxed state, then administers the novocaine again, they are typically fine. Sometimes, patients will need a stronger sedation and then for the novocaine to be administered again after they are fully sedated. This typically happens to patients who have had traumatic dental experiences.

It would be a good idea for you to look for a sedation dentist, or one with sleep dentistry experience. Conscious sedation is a more affordable dentistry option than general anesthesia. It is also safer and easier to administer. In fact, most patients are unable to recall the appointment. However, if this option doesn’t work for you, you may need to go the general anesthesia route.

This article was brought to you by Gilbert sedation dentist, Dr. Matt Roper.









Was I misdiagnosed by an emergency dentist?

I saw an emergency dentist a couple of days ago and am very upset. A little over a year, it was suggested I get a filling, and I have been putting it off. I mentioned this to the emergency dentist but added that the tooth next to that tooth was the one giving me the trouble at the time of my emergency visit. I indicated the issues I’d been having on the phone, therefore assumed they were going to do the fillings during my visit.

During my visit, he ran a few tests. In other words, he hit my teeth with his mirror a few times. Since my teeth were hurting when I went in, this caused me even more pain. He then proceeded to tell me that I needed a filling, but not on the tooth in question. I then asked about the tooth with the pre-existing cavity, to which he answered also needed a filling. He then told me I would need to come back. I’m still in pain. The visit to the emergency dentist did nothing! Do you think it’s possible that I could have an infection, or something else serious? I don’t want the issue to go unnoticed just because that dentist was in a rush to get through the appointment.


Dear Doug,

Typically, most infections are obvious. If the dentist performed an x-ray and exam, the infection would have been hard to miss. Cavities are capable of causing tooth pain, especially if they are deeply rooted. Not always are they indicators of infection or a need for a root canal. Regarding the tests, the dentist was likely trying to determine which teeth were causing you trouble, in order to recommend the best treatment route. It’s possible that your tooth could have passed its pain onto its neighboring tooth, or it could be cracked and be causing the pain, which is not always obvious, even with an exam or x-ray. However, the tests are a critical part of a thorough exam. That all being said, it’s alarming that your second cavity was not mentioned until you brought it up. This does indicate that your dentist was rushing through his work, making it understandable to question his assessment.

Moving forward, it would be wise for you to have those fillings done as soon as you can, and consider using a different dentist. It’s important to keep in mind that not all dentists allow time for the work when they haven’t completed an exam. This is because they don’t the amount of time that will be needed, or whether or not the patient will go through with the procedure due to the costs. If you do schedule your fillings with another provider, consider an early appointment, and be sure to pass on that your teeth have recently been diagnosed and the recommended treatment. Finally, ask if they could set aside time for the repairs during this appointment.

This post was written by the office of Gilbert emergency dentist, Dr. Matt Roper.


CEREC Crowns help with dental anxiety

If you are a person who suffers from dental anxiety, and haven’t visited a dentist in quite some time, you may not be aware of CEREC crowns, and how these restorations are are changing dentistry and lives.

CEREC crowns are made in the office

It used to be that a crown could only be done by going into the office for multiple visits. The doctor would removed the decay and/or damage, take impressions, and fit you for a temporary crown in the first visit. Your impressions would then be sent to a dental lab, where your restoration would be created, over a two-week timeframe. While some crowns remain this way, CEREC crowns are different.

Years ago, the only option when you needed to have a crown done was to go into the office for two visits. On the first visit, the doctor would remove the decay or damage on the tooth, build it up if need be, take impressions, and fit you with a temporary. Then, your impressions would get shipped off to a dental lab which would then craft your restoration over a period of two weeks. Some crowns are still this way, but CEREC crowns are different. These crowns are made in the office using CAD/CAM technology and a milling machine, allowing your crown to be created and placed all in one visit, easing the anxiety of a dental patient who may be troubled by the idea of multiple visits to the dental office.

Impressions are taken digitally

Often, people with dental anxiety have strong gag reflexes, or aversions to the impression process. The use of the CAD/CAM technology, allows the impressions to be taken digitally, similar to having a photo taken.

Can be combined with sedation dentistry

Nitrous oxide is a helpful way for patients with mild dental anxiety to feel more relaxed and comfortable. It takes effect quickly, and wears off almost immediately after treatment. For those patients with a more intense dental anxiety, conscious sedation will place you in a deeply relaxed state.

This blog is sponsored by Gilbert CEREC crowns dentist, Dr. Matthew Roper.



Need affordable dentist to correct veneer work

I have battled with the appearance of my teeth for my entire life. I have chips in both of my front teeth and another tooth, also in the front of my mouth, is badly twisted. I am sure I should have had braces when I was a child, but I was one of seven children, so that wasn’t in the cards. I researched to find an affordable dentist for veneers, but am not at all satisfied with the results. They are unnatural looking, almost to the point that it looks like fake teeth have been glued on top of my natural ones, not to mention the twisted tooth is still severely-twisted looking. I really need an affordable dentist, skilled enough to to correct these issues. Is this possible?


Dear Bobbi,

Cosmetic work is not something you should look for in an affordable dentist. Sure, the costs vary from office to office, as do the rates, but if you focus on cost alone, your results will be sub-par, which is what you are experiencing now. Cosmetic dentistry is a practice which requires an amount of skill which is not possessed by all dentists. Therefore, you should focus your search on looking for a quality cosmetic dentist, then look at costs.

It is important to look at examples of a dentist’s work. Many share their work in smile galleries on their office sites. These allow you to browse at your own leisure, and will give you a good idea of what to expect. Also be sure to read reviews of cosmetic dentists from patients who have had the same treatment you hope to have. Just because a dentist does beautiful crown work, doesn’t mean he or she has the same quality veneer experience.

You should also keep in mind that veneer work is not necessarily something an insurance company will cover. However, financing through a company such as Care Credit, may be an option to help with the costs of a cosmetic dentist. Focusing on the quality of the cosmetic dental work will yield beautiful results for many years. Focusing on the cost may cause you to have veneer work done again, just as you are now.

This article was brought to you by the office of Gilbert affordable dentist, Dr. Matthew Roper.

Why is my tooth turning gray after I went to an emergency dentist?

Several weeks ago, I visited an emergency dentist because of an intense toothache. After his assessment, he concluded my tooth was fine, but it did have a small crack in it. He later placed a new crown, and, although the pain was better, it was not gone. The dentist suggested that I would need a root canal if the pain did not go away. While it is better, it has not gone away. However, I would prefer to not have a root canal, so I’ve been trying to remedy the pain with Ibuprofen, but there really hasn’t been any change, and today, I noticed the tooth next to it changing to an almost gray color. Is it possible that the crown is whiter than my other tooth? Or, is it possible that the work of the emergency dentist I saw could have done something to the other tooth?

Thank you,

Dear Vicki,

Teeth turn gray when they are dead or injured, similar to our skin bruising after trauma, but our teeth are behind an enamel surface. The treatment for this is a root canal because the tooth needs cleaned out and filled from the inside, to prevent the build-up of bacteria, which will, in turn, cause infection. The sooner this issue can be addressed, the better.

It is unlikely that the emergency dentist caused this. It could be that your tooth was hurt or damaged all along. Teeth often cause the teeth around them to be in pain. If this is the case, the original diagnosis may be incorrect. Another possibility is that both of your teeth could have been injured at the same time. This would be true, for example, if you bit down on something hard, causing trauma to the graying tooth, and causing its neighbor tooth to crack. While the tooth may not have died right away, it could be slowing fading with time. Finally, it is possible that the two teeth have issues which are completely unrelated. Lastly, you could be looking at two totally unrelated incidents, which happen to be affecting two neighbor teeth. You will likely never know if the original diagnosis was incorrect. However, if you believe this is the case, ask the original dentist for a copy of the x-ray and seek another option from a different dentist, and also have the gray tooth assessed. If something was missed on the original x-ray, you should receive a refund for what you paid to have the crown done. However, if nothing was missed, the dentist’s actions were based on your original symptoms, and the diagnosis may or may not have been correct.

This post is sponsored by Gilbert emergency dentist, Dr. Matthew Roper.

Can I stay with my daughter during a sedation dentistry appointment?

My pre-school aged daughter has a significant-sized cavity on one of her back molars. Her dentist suggested using Nitrous oxide to sedate her, in order to place a filling. On the day of the appointment, I was told I could not go into the room with her for the procedure. She is three! Furthermore, in those three years, she has never been sedated. When I questioned this, I was told it was office policy and there was no way around it. Therefore, I canceled her appointment. Is this a common policy? It seems ludicrous for a parent not to be allowed to accompany a three-year-old for a dental procedure, especially one which involves sedation.

Thank you,

Dear Mindi,
The presence of a parent during a dental procedure is really the choice of the provider. Oftentimes, the nervousness or fear that a parent is experiencing during a dental procedure is very obvious to the child, and, therefore, wears off on the child. Parents may say things like, “squeeze Mommy’s hand if you’re scared, or if it hurts, ” thus, letting the child know that being scared of feeling pain is an option, when they otherwise may not know this. Sometimes, it is easier for everyone if the only person the child has to focus on is the dentist. This also allows the dentist to give your child and the procedure he or she is performing their sole focus, as opposed to focusing on the procedure, the patient, and you. Sedation dentistry is not any different than a medical procedure. If you were to take your child into a hospital for a surgical procedure, you would not be allowed in the operating room with him or her. This seems to be a policy that many dental providers have also adopted. Though, I am sure you can find a provider who will allow you into the procedure room with your child if you look further.

This post was written by the office of Gilbert sedation dentist, Dr. Matt Roper.

What should I do if my CEREC crown broke?

Two weeks ago, I had a CEREC crown done. I was recently eating, when I felt something come loose in my mouth. I came to find out this crown had broken in half. The dentist offered to fix the crown free of charge. While I was thankful for this, I wanted to know why this happened. I want to be sure this was just a fluke circumstance and not an error made by the dentist.


Dear Randi,

While this is quite rare, there are some things that may have hinted that something was “off”, like tooth pain, jaw pain, or if the tooth was connecting first when you bit down.

Another possibility is the way the material handled stress, though it is unlikely that this is the case. However, if this were the case, it is possible there was some sort of defect in the material before use, though this, too, is unlikely.

Another thought is if you grind or clench your teeth, this may be the cause. Each tooth has a different threshold in terms of the amount of force it can withstand. This is why some restorations my break, while others do not. If this occurs during the day, practicing relaxation exercises can help. If it’s taking place at night, a night guard will prevent the grinding.

The majority of crowns can handle this to an extent, so you can’t rule out the material used or a mistake made by the dentist. It’s worth having him redo the procedure. It would be good to see what he thinks is the cause. Dentists have restorations fail from time to time. So long as this is not the norm, and he wants to fix the issue, it sounds like you’re in good hands.

This post is brought to you by Gilbert CEREC provider Dr. Matt Roper.

Can I see a sedation dentist if I’m on medication?

I need to see a sedation dentist, but experience depression and anxiety, and am on several medications to manage them. Is this something that will prevent me from receiving sedation during my dental treatment?

Thank you,


Dear Nikki,

There is not one specific medication used by all dentists. Each chooses his/her own sedation medications based on their dental experiences, philosophies, and the medical history of the patient. The only way to know which medication is used is to go directly to the sedation dentist who is treating you.

You will need to take a full list of your medications, including the amount and frequency, to your dentist. He or she will use this list to determine which medications are right for your dental treatment. If their typical treatment will conflict with your medication, the dentist should offer to find an alternative. If not, he or she should refer you to someone who can help.

If possible, you should also consider sending your medication list to the dental office in advance. The staff should be able to advise you if they are unable to treat you. Most likely, they will advise you to come in to discuss a treatment plan.

This article is brought to you by Gilbert sedation dentist, Dr. Matthew Roper.


“Affordable” dentist wrongly charging me

I visited a dentist who claimed to be affordable, after one of my premolars was causing me a lot of grief. I knew I wouldn’t be able to afford the cost of treatment at my regular dental office, so I came across an affordable dentist from an online search and got an appointment right away.

My experience was horrible. The root canal process took almost two hours. He continually jerked my head around and forced my mouth to stay open the entire time. He then mentioned that I needed a crown to treat the decay. When the dentist was removing the cavity, the tooth gave way and I was told it would need to be pulled. I agreed to the removal of the tooth, but was later billed for the extraction.

When I called the dental office, questioning this, I was told the dentist deserved to be compensated for his time on the extraction procedure. Can he do this? My tooth had to be extracted because of something that happened during a procedure. I should not have had to pay for the extraction, right?

Thank you,


Dear Brandy,

You should not have been billed for both, and I am sure you are quite frustrated. Whether the extraction could have been prevented is unclear, and may always be. It is possible that the decay was extreme and could have been a cause. But, regardless, it sounds like you are not willing to pay for both procedures. While going the legal route may cause you unnecessary stress, you might consider talking to the dentist himself, if you can’t reach an agreement with the office manager. If this doesn’t work, you could connect with the Better Business Bureau, or your local dental board.

Wishing you luck in rectifying the issue!

This post is sponsored by the office of affordable dentist, Dr. Matthew Roper.