Can I see a sedation dentist if I’m on medication?

I need to see a sedation dentist, but experience depression and anxiety, and am on several medications to manage them. Is this something that will prevent me from receiving sedation during my dental treatment?

Thank you,


Dear Nikki,

There is not one specific medication used by all dentists. Each chooses his/her own sedation medications based on their dental experiences, philosophies, and the medical history of the patient. The only way to know which medication is used is to go directly to the sedation dentist who is treating you.

You will need to take a full list of your medications, including the amount and frequency, to your dentist. He or she will use this list to determine which medications are right for your dental treatment. If their typical treatment will conflict with your medication, the dentist should offer to find an alternative. If not, he or she should refer you to someone who can help.

If possible, you should also consider sending your medication list to the dental office in advance. The staff should be able to advise you if they are unable to treat you. Most likely, they will advise you to come in to discuss a treatment plan.

This article is brought to you by Gilbert sedation dentist, Dr. Matthew Roper.