Tag Archives: Gilbert Sedation Dentist

Do i have to see an oral surgeon for my tooth extraction?

I have a strong apprehension to dentist offices. Therefore, I have not maintained a practice of attending regular dental check-ups. Then, a few years ago I lost a filling. I put off taking care of this and later that tooth broke. I prolonged having this looked at until the pain from the broken tooth became too much to bear.

When I finally saw the dentist, I learned that I needed a root canal. Following the root canal, the dentist did not follow up with me. However, because the pain had decreased for the most part, I did not follow-up either. I also did not have a cap put on the temporary filling. Therefore the temporary filling later fell out and an infection developed.

When I saw a different dentist about this, I learned the remaining part of the tooth needed extracted. In addition, because of the tooth’s poor condition, it was going to be quite invasive, involving the gums down to the bone. The dentist recommended I see an oral surgeon for the procedure and be under anesthesia. This is not something I can afford. Is an oral surgeon my only option, or can a general dentist conduct the procedure?

Thank you,

Dear Jessica,

Your dilemma is an understandable one. First, it is important that you understand the reasons to see an oral surgeon for a procedure like this one. It would also be a good idea for you to develop questions to ask your dentist, to help you determine if an oral surgeon is the best route for you, even considering the cost.

Reasons to See an Oral Surgeon for Tooth Extraction

It could be that the dentist you say is not comfortable doing such an invasive extraction. He may be suggesting you seek out an oral surgeon to prevent himself from getting into trouble by taking on a procedure like this if it is outside his realm of experience.

Secondly, the procedure may be a traumatic experience for you, the patient. Therefore, he is suggesting seeing an oral surgeon in order for you to be under anesthesia, in order for the procedure to be easier on you.

Dental Anxiety Can Be Costly

As you are learning, the anxiety that sometimes accompanies dental visits and procedures can be quite expensive. If you had immediately replaced your filling after it fell out, there would not have been a need for the root canal you had. In addition, if the dental crown would have been placed quickly following the root canal, the tooth would not have needed extracted. And, if the tooth does get extracted, you may later need it replaced in order to keep your bite from collapsing.

Therefore, the idea of moving forward with the extraction procedure being done by an oral surgeon will prevent you from having a traumatic experience, which would just further amplify your dental anxiety and cause future dental issues for yourself.

Questions to Ask Dentist About Tooth Extraction

It is important to develop specific questions for your dentist, in order to help yourself better answer your question. Try asking how comfortable your dentist feels doing performing a procedure like this. Also consider asking if he has performed extractions like this before. It would be a good idea to find out if there is nitrous oxide available to help with your comfort level. Understanding if your roots are straight or tapered, or twisted with knobs on the end, would also be helpful.

From what you’re describing, it does sound like your dentist is sharing his fair and honest opinion with you, so place significant value in that while making your decision.

This blog post is sponsored by the office of Gilbert sedation dentist, Dr. Matthew Roper.

Dental numbing medications don’t work on me

I have found that numbing drugs do not work on me, like they typically would on patients. After several horrific experiences, it has been determined that I am extremely sensitive to the numbing drugs that dentists use and have learned that the only way for me to handle a dental procedure is to be unconscious. Do you have experience with patients like me?



There are many patients who have similar experiences with numbing drugs. For some, nitrous oxide will calm them enough for a drug like novocaine to work. However, others need to be completely sedated to become numb. If we are stressed or anxious enough, there is something in our body chemistry that prevents novocaine from working completely, or causes it to quickly wear off. It is typical for a patient to be hesitant to admit they have experienced something traumatic with a dental procedure. When this is the case, they would be given an injection of novocaine to numb the injection spot, allowing the dentist to know they are ready to proceed with the work. However, they begin to feel pain once the procedure has begun. This leads to nitrous oxide gas. However, if the dentist doesn’t wait long enough after administering the gas, the patient will still fill the pain. If a dentist waits until the patient is in a very relaxed state, then administers the novocaine again, they are typically fine. Sometimes, patients will need a stronger sedation and then for the novocaine to be administered again after they are fully sedated. This typically happens to patients who have had traumatic dental experiences.

It would be a good idea for you to look for a sedation dentist, or one with sleep dentistry experience. Conscious sedation is a more affordable dentistry option than general anesthesia. It is also safer and easier to administer. In fact, most patients are unable to recall the appointment. However, if this option doesn’t work for you, you may need to go the general anesthesia route.

This article was brought to you by Gilbert sedation dentist, Dr. Matt Roper.









Can I stay with my daughter during a sedation dentistry appointment?

My pre-school aged daughter has a significant-sized cavity on one of her back molars. Her dentist suggested using Nitrous oxide to sedate her, in order to place a filling. On the day of the appointment, I was told I could not go into the room with her for the procedure. She is three! Furthermore, in those three years, she has never been sedated. When I questioned this, I was told it was office policy and there was no way around it. Therefore, I canceled her appointment. Is this a common policy? It seems ludicrous for a parent not to be allowed to accompany a three-year-old for a dental procedure, especially one which involves sedation.

Thank you,

Dear Mindi,
The presence of a parent during a dental procedure is really the choice of the provider. Oftentimes, the nervousness or fear that a parent is experiencing during a dental procedure is very obvious to the child, and, therefore, wears off on the child. Parents may say things like, “squeeze Mommy’s hand if you’re scared, or if it hurts, ” thus, letting the child know that being scared of feeling pain is an option, when they otherwise may not know this. Sometimes, it is easier for everyone if the only person the child has to focus on is the dentist. This also allows the dentist to give your child and the procedure he or she is performing their sole focus, as opposed to focusing on the procedure, the patient, and you. Sedation dentistry is not any different than a medical procedure. If you were to take your child into a hospital for a surgical procedure, you would not be allowed in the operating room with him or her. This seems to be a policy that many dental providers have also adopted. Though, I am sure you can find a provider who will allow you into the procedure room with your child if you look further.

This post was written by the office of Gilbert sedation dentist, Dr. Matt Roper.

Can I see a sedation dentist if I’m on medication?

I need to see a sedation dentist, but experience depression and anxiety, and am on several medications to manage them. Is this something that will prevent me from receiving sedation during my dental treatment?

Thank you,


Dear Nikki,

There is not one specific medication used by all dentists. Each chooses his/her own sedation medications based on their dental experiences, philosophies, and the medical history of the patient. The only way to know which medication is used is to go directly to the sedation dentist who is treating you.

You will need to take a full list of your medications, including the amount and frequency, to your dentist. He or she will use this list to determine which medications are right for your dental treatment. If their typical treatment will conflict with your medication, the dentist should offer to find an alternative. If not, he or she should refer you to someone who can help.

If possible, you should also consider sending your medication list to the dental office in advance. The staff should be able to advise you if they are unable to treat you. Most likely, they will advise you to come in to discuss a treatment plan.

This article is brought to you by Gilbert sedation dentist, Dr. Matthew Roper.


Dentist or Oral Surgeon?

I’m going to honest and just admit I avoid the dentist. I had a filling fall out. I avoided the dentist. Then I needed a root canal treatment. I did get that, but it was rather traumatic. So, I didn’t go back for the crown. Now my tooth was hurting so badly that I had to go to a dentist again. Though I did go to a different dentist. He told me the tooth is too far gone and needs to be removed. However, he said it’s extensive enough that I may consider an oral surgeon because he’d have to cut through both gum and bone. I like the idea of it not costing as much going to the local dentist, but wonder if it’s not safe and that’s why he mentioned an oral surgeon.


Dear Patty,

Someone asleep from dental sedation

I hate it when dentists say stuff like this. It makes patients uneasy. They wonder if they’re being unsafe choosing the more financially feasible option for them. I don’t know if your dentist phrased it that way because he’s uncomfortable with the procedure and he was trying to steer you another direction or if he’s perfectly comfortable doing it and just giving you non-opinioned options.

I’d ask your dentist a few questions before making a decision:

  • How comfortable does he feel with the procedure?
  • Has he done this type of extraction before?
  • What type of sedation does he offer?
  • What are the roots like? Straight and tapered or twisted with knobs?

The Importance of a Sedation Dentist for You

Based on what you’ve described of your oral hygiene habits, you have dental anxiety. It’s not uncommon. However, it wreaks havoc on your oral health, as you’ve discovered. If you were comfortable going to the dentist when your filling first came out, you wouldn’t be facing this difficult extraction and then facing pricey tooth replacement options.

Dental Sedation will change your life. However, at your level of anxiety (and especially for your extraction procedure), you will need something stronger than just nitrous oxide. You will need oral conscious sedation. This is strong enough to allow you to sleep through the procedure.

You will be able to have stress-free dental appointments from now on and even get all your teeth back in shape.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.

General Anesthesia for Cavities?

I’m so worried right now. My two-year-old has two really large cavities. My dentist said it’s because I breastfeed her at night. I was curious about that because my pediatrician told me it was the best thing for her, even her teeth. But, now the dentist tells me she needs two possible crowns. He doesn’t think she’ll be able to do it so he’s suggesting general anesthesia. I can’t fathom it would be safe to do in a dental office. I don’t guess I can just leave them, but I don’t want to put her at risk.


Dear Emily,

It’s completely normal for you to be concerned about your child’s safety. I want to address a few things you brought up to bring you some peace of mind. First, is the cause of her cavities. I think either your pediatric dentist didn’t communicate well or you misunderstood what he meant. Breastfeeding does NOT cause cavities. Your pediatrician is right, breastfeeding is better all around for your daughter, including her teeth.

What he likely was trying to convey is that letting your child fall asleep breastfeeding (or bottlefeeding) is bad for their teeth. That’s because they stop sucking fully and the milk pools around their teeth.

Another issue would be how effectively you’re brushing her teeth. She’s too young to do it well herself even if she insists, as some children do. In addition to the two issues mentioned above, genetics play a factor. Though, the size of your daughter’s cavities means some extra brushing needs to be done.

Dental Sedation versus General Anesthesia

Your dentist likely isn’t doing general anesthesia in his office. It would more likely be done in a hospital with a full complement of caregivers, just like with general surgery. Surgery is routinely done on children while under general anesthesia and though there are risks with everything, is considered quite safe.

Dental sedation is different and would be suggested if your daughter was a little older. It is done in the dentist’s office. This is very effective with slightly older children. They will generally fall asleep but they’re not unconscious.

Either way, make sure someone will be monitoring your child’s vital signs all the way through the procedure.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.

Why Can’t My Dentist Get Me Numb?

I need serious help. At this moment, I’m living off of extremely strong painkillers. My dentist had to send me home with them because he doesn’t know what to do. He tried on five different appointments to get me numb. But, after at least seven shots and some kind of paste on my gums he still couldn’t get me numb enough to do my root canal. What gives? I’m miserable and my dentist feels horrible. He’s even refunded my money.

Scott T.

Dear Scott,

Gilbert Sedation Dentist

What a difficult experience. I’m sure you’re in tons of pain, so I will make this quick. I know exactly what is going on here, because a colleague of mine (and a dentist himself) had the same problem whenever he went in for treatment.

Believe it or not, this dentist suffered from dental anxiety. Between you and me, I think it was frightening for him not to be in charge of the procedure.

What many dentists don’t realize is that dental anxiety and Novocain (along with other numbing medications) are not a good mix. The anxiety ups your metabolism which in turn burns off the numbing agent. The higher the anxiety, the faster it burns it out.

There’s a simple solution. You need dental sedation. You’ll simply take a pill before your appointment which will completely relax you. Be aware that it relaxes you so much, you’ll need someone to drive you to and from your appointment along with someone to stay with you until you’re steady on your feet again.

Whenever a patient with dental fear uses sedation, it enables the numbing medication to do its job. You’ll experience a stress-free, pain-free root canal treatment.

Best of luck to you. Dental emergencies are the worst.
This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.

Can I Still Get Dental Sedation If I Take Anxiety Meds?

I’m on two medications. One for depression and one for anxiety. I want to get sedation when I have my dental procedure done but I’m worried they won’t let me. Can you tell me what sedation medications they use so I can make sure it’s fine with my medication? I’m afraid if I tell them about the meds they’ll send me away.

Lisa W.

Dear Lisa,

Dental Sedation

The problem with your request is two-fold. One, every dentist uses different sedation medication so there would be no way to know whether or you’d be checking the right medication. Second, your dosages make a difference as to how much the dentist can give you. I know you’re worried about being sent packing, but that won’t happen.

Dentists who deal with anxious patients are used to patients on multiple medications. The only thing you’ll need to do is schedule a consultation with your dentist so he or she can make sure whatever they use will work well with what you’re taking.

If what they use would interfere they will either change what they use or make arrangements with another dentist who prefers the other medicine to work with you.

Dental anxiety is common and you shouldn’t feel embarrassed by it, but what you’re doing is brave. You’re facing your fears to get the treatment you need. That puts you ahead of many patients who can’t do that and then end up with a dental emergency.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.

Can I Have Dental Sedation If I’m on Medication for PTSD?

I’ve served in the military for 12 years. I loved my service and the military dentists did the best job they could, but they’re designed to do patch jobs and get us back into service as quickly as possible. A lot needs to be fixed with my mouth, functionally and cosmetically. Unfortunately, I’m being treated for PTSD. If there are people over me, I lash out. I’m going to need sedation dentistry, but don’t know if I can with the PTSD meds I’m on. Any advice?

Allen H.


Up front, I want to thank you for your service. You’re keeping our family’s safe. I am beyond grateful. Our country owes you a debt. Don’t think for one second you’re not appreciated. Secondly, the fact that you’re getting treatment for PTSD shows you’re not just brave, but intelligent and wise.

Sedation dentistry will be a great option for you in this situation and can be used with many medications. I recommend getting with the dentist ahead of time and discussing your medications. That way he or she can plan to use medications which have no contraindications with the medications you’re on.

Make sure you tell the dentist that you’re interested in cosmetic work, too. This will enable them to make the best decisions and give you all the options. There are some treatments which if you plan on doing teeth whitening at any point, you’ll want to have it done first. Things like porcelain crowns and fillings cannot be whitened after they’re bonded.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.

Can You Die From Dental Sedation?

I keep reading these stories about patients who’ve died during sedation. It’s starting to freak me out. I’m  scheduled to get my wisdom teeth extracted and planned on using sedation to make this go easier. I’m an anxious patient even when I just go in for cleanings. Now, I’m a wreck and not sure what to do. Can I die from this?

Laura M. – Alabama


Let me put your mind at ease. While there are risks with any procedure, it is extraordinarily rare for patients to die from dental sedation. And, most of the time when they do, it’s usually those patients who were put under anesthesia.

It’s more likely the type of sedation you’ll get is oral conscious sedation. This doesn’t lower your respiratory functions the way anesthesia does. You’ll be conscious, but completely relaxed. This allows the numbing medication to do its job giving you a pain-free experience.

If you’re an anxious patient, it will be important you get the medication. Dental anxiety tends to increase your metabolism causing you to burn through the numbing medication.

Talk to your dentist about your concerns. Ask about what type of monitoring they do. You can ask them to have oxygen on hand and monitor your heart, though many sedation dentists do this as a matter of course.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.