Am I Too Old To Remove Wisdom Teeth?

I am 35 years old. About 8 years ago I had a wisdom tooth removed, but they never told me that the others can be a problem. Now I have another wisdom tooth bothering me. My dentist is saying I need to have it out but is warning me that there are dangers at my age. I looked up some of the complications of wisdom tooth removal and it looks like my jaw can break. Am I too old to have this wisdom tooth removed? Should I just deal with the tooth bothering me? If I have to take the tooth out, should I get all of them done?


Dear Hailey,

Woman holding her jaw from a toothache

While it would have been better to have all your wisdom teeth out eight years ago, you are not too old to have them removed now. Yes, these is a slight increased risk of complications at your age, but when I really start worrying about that issue is when someone hits 40 years old.

However, even if you were 40, if your wisdom tooth is bothering you, then there is a good chance it is infected. If the tooth is infected, then you have to have it out regardless of your age.

Yes, your dentist is going to tell you about scary risks. He’ll probably even give you a paper to sign that describes all types of horrible things that can happen. That is because we are a litigious society, so dentists do what they can to protect themselves.

I say get the tooth out now before it becomes a dental emergency. I do recommend you get them all out at the same time. This will prevent what you are dealing with now from happening ten years from now when you will be at a much higher risk for serious complications.

The good news is that this type of procedure is done with dental sedation, so you are not likely to even remember anything. You can sleep through the entire thing if you’d like.

This blog is brought to you by Gilbert Dentist Dr. Matt Roper.