Tag Archives: sedation dentistry

I’m too scared to go to the dentist

I know I need to go to the dentist, but every time I think about scheduling an appointment, I start shaking. My last appointment was like a medieval torture session. Is there something I can take to make this hurt less without interfering with the local?

Deidre K. – Pasadena, CA


I’m sorry your last appointment was so unpleasant. It is not uncommon for people with a difficult dental experience to develop a form of dental anxiety. That seems to be what you’re going through.

There is something you can take. Most dentists who practice sedation dentistry can give you a pill for oral conscious sedation. A lot of those dentists like treating fearful patients. They want to help them get past their fear. They’ll even call it catering to cowards.

I’d call around to see if you can find a dentist like that in your area.

This blog is brought to you by Lafayette Dentist Dr. John Theriot.

My child’s teeth are in bad shape

My daughter is five years old and she needs a lot of dental work done. She has two cavities on her molars that are pretty deep into the tooth. And two other molars are decayed and have lost their structure. In fact, about one-third of the tooth is gone. I don’t know what to do. Should I have the decayed teeth extracted? I really don’t want to have her teeth pulled if we don’t need to. She is also complaining about pain during chewing in one of the right molars. Do I need a pediatric dentist now? Unfortunately, she is not cooperative at the dentist which is a major reason we are in this situation.

– Carrie from Nebraska


From what you have described it sounds like you need to visit a pediatric dentist. At her age, she only has baby teeth in her mouth so eventually she will lose them. But, she does require those teeth to be in good shape so she can eat and keep the spaces for the upcoming permanent teeth. If the teeth are removed, then space maintainers will be needed so the permanent molars don’t cause crowding to her other teeth. There are pediatric dentists that do sedation dentistry. It is worth it if that is what is needed to get her smile healthy again. Cavities and decay at this age are largely due to the frequency in which children eat. From what it sounds like with the condition of her teeth now, she may be eating all day long, asking for treats constantly, etc. You need to discourage this kind of behavior and allow enough time between meals for her hunger to build up so you can break this habit. Over time, her dietary behavior will improve which will improve her dental health as well.

Dentists understand that kids will lose their teeth so they tend to think more temporarily. A crown may be used to treat the decayed molar versus extracting the tooth.

Good luck to you. I hope this information was helpful.

This post is sponsored by Gilbert dentist Vista Dorada Dental.

Related link: Sleep dentistry; dental anxiety

My porcelain veneers are not smooth

My porcelain veneers do not feel smooth on my five upper, front teeth. Basically, when I run my tooth over them they do not feel slick like my normal teeth. I have gone back to the dentist that did them to have them polished two times. Also, I think they look pasty.

-Carrie from California

Dear Carrie,

Unfortunately, from what you have described it does not sound as if your dentist knows how to polish your porcelain veneers. Another issue could be that he originally used a laboratory that may not have made the most natural-looking veneers.

Many general dentists claim that they can do porcelain veneers. The problem is that they need to look as life-like as possible. It truly take an “artist” to perfect this technique. That is why there is so much additional training and education to be considered a cosmetic dentist.

Porcelain veneers do not require polish. The process in which they are made when they are fired in the porcelain oven gives them a glaze. This coating is very stain resistant and durable. There are occasions where polishing is required when a dentist that is maintaining them does not treat them properly.

I would recommend consulting with a true cosmetic dentist. They should be able to polish them properly and ultimately give you the natural, beautiful look you are after.

This post was provided by Gilbert dentist Vista Dorada Dental.

Other links:

Learn more about sedation dentistry.

Learn more about dental implants.

Recovering addict needing dental treatment

I am recovering from an opiate addiction and I am currently on methadone maintenance. I really need to get into a dentist as soon as possible since my teeth are in very bad shape. I have extensive dental work that is required. The last dentist I visited wouldn’t give me any pain medication once they learned I was on methadone. I encouraged him to contact the clinic I attend so they could grant permission. My doctor and counselor would have been more than willing to discuss this. In the past I’ve dealt with serious dental anxiety too. Can you recommend a way that I can proceed in attempting to get a dentist to help me. I desperately want to be out of pain.

-Vince from Oregon


Unfortunately many dentists and doctors alike are afraid of the Drug Enforcement Administration. Sometimes it is easier for a dentist to refuse treatment than deal with potential issues that may come out of prescribing pain medication. Some dentists tell about times where they got in hot water with the DEA just because they exercised compassion. Sadly, the patient is the one that suffers as this happens more often.

A good starting point in finding a compassionate dentist would be to find one that practices sedation dentistry or sleep dentistry. Be upfront about your situation and your request for post-operative pain medication. Many dentists are empathetic and genuinely want to help people. Keep looking. You will find someone that can help.

This post was provided by Gilbert dentist Vista Dorada Dental.