Tag Archives: sedation dentist

Can I see a sedation dentist if I’m on medication?

I need to see a sedation dentist, but experience depression and anxiety, and am on several medications to manage them. Is this something that will prevent me from receiving sedation during my dental treatment?

Thank you,


Dear Nikki,

There is not one specific medication used by all dentists. Each chooses his/her own sedation medications based on their dental experiences, philosophies, and the medical history of the patient. The only way to know which medication is used is to go directly to the sedation dentist who is treating you.

You will need to take a full list of your medications, including the amount and frequency, to your dentist. He or she will use this list to determine which medications are right for your dental treatment. If their typical treatment will conflict with your medication, the dentist should offer to find an alternative. If not, he or she should refer you to someone who can help.

If possible, you should also consider sending your medication list to the dental office in advance. The staff should be able to advise you if they are unable to treat you. Most likely, they will advise you to come in to discuss a treatment plan.

This article is brought to you by Gilbert sedation dentist, Dr. Matthew Roper.


Going to a sedation dentist because of anxiety is giving me anxiety!

I really don’t like the dentist, like really, really don’t like going to the dentist. My mom has suggested that I find a sedation dentist, but the thought of going to a dentist appointment and sleeping through the whole thing while a dentist I don’t know is working in my mouth is almost as scary to me as being awake.  With my anxiety, I just don’t understand how sedation is going to make it easier for me.

Alana, West Virginia

Dear Alana,

pleasant dentistrySedation dentistry was started with people like you in mind. It doesn’t matter whether your anxiety stems from a bad experience in the past with another dentist or it has just developed for another reason, sedation dentists are trained to help you have a good experience while taking care of your teeth.

What can a sedation dentist do for you?

To address your concerns about sleeping through the appointment, let’s paint you a picture of what the different options for sedation look like.

  • For someone who is a little nervous in the dentist’s chair, sometimes nitrous oxide (better known as laughing gas) is the perfect solution. Nitrous oxide is great because it works quickly and wear off quickly. The sedative is breathed in through a mask and you are awake throughout the appointment, but feel relaxed. There is no lasting effect that carries over after the appointment. You are alert and able to drive home.
  • For someone whose anxiety is more intense, oral conscious sedation is an option. With this route, an oral medication is taken before your appointment.  This medication allows you to be very relaxed. You are so relaxed that, although you are awake, you may feel like you were asleep. Because you are awake, you still respond to the dentist and can understand his instructions. Many patients have no recollection of the time in the chair. Because this medication has longer reaching effects, someone has to accompany you so they can take you home afterwards.
  • Most patients fit into the first two categories, so not every sedation dentist even offers the third option, which is sedation using an IV. This is for extreme cases of anxiety or other factors.

Visiting with a sedation dentist, sharing your concerns, and asking questions is a great first step. You can develop a plan that you are comfortable with so you can get the care you need for a great smile.

This post is sponsored by Vista Dorada Dental in Gilbert, AZ.

How long will I sleep after sedation at the dentist?

I hate going to the dentist. I haven’t had any one particular bad experience, but I get anxious just thinking about going. My fear of getting cavities is what has kept me going in for my cleanings every six months. Unfortunately, when I went in this week for my cleaning, they found a cavity I need to get filled. Now I’m freaking out. My mom suggests that I get sedated for the appointment, but how long will I sleep? Is it like the recovery room after surgery? I don’t have anyone who can take me home.

Jay, Fayetteville, AR

Dear Jay,

You are not alone in your fear of having cavities filled. Doctors who offer sedation dentistry understand that fear.  They can help you keep your mouth healthy while keeping you comfortable.

Understanding sedation dentistry

There is a notion that when you use sedation to get your dental work done that you are asleep for the visit. This isn’t usually the case. Your doctor will use medication to help you be relaxed and calm during the visit, but you will likely still be awake. It’s as if you are aware of what the dentist is doing, but you don’t care. You may not remember anything after the procedure. Because you are still awake for the work to be done, you can understand instructions from your dentist.

When the dentist is done, you may still feel a little groggy. That’s why it is required that you have someone there with you at your appointment to drive you home after. If you don’t have someone who can be with you, using nitrous oxide for your cavity may be a better option.

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, will give you a similar feeling of comfort for your appointment, but as soon as your procedure is done, the sleepy, groggy feeling goes away. Instead of being a pill you take, you breathe it in. This may be a better option for you to get your dental work done without being stranded at the dentist’s office.

Your best place to start is to speak to you dentist’s office about your options. That way you can understand before you go what to expect, what that appointment will look like for you, as well as costs. You’ll be able to ask any questions you have.

This post is sponsored by Vista Dorada Dental in Gilbert, AZ.



What I Do? The Emergency Dentist Perforated My Sinus

I’m in massive pain and I no longer trust the dentist I went to see. I had a molar that was killing me. I went to see an emergency dentist. He said my mouth was in pretty bad shape and he couldn’t tell which molar was the problem. He suggested I have both extracted. I was in so much pain I would have agreed to have my jaw removed at that point. There didn’t seem to be any problem taking out the molars and I went home feeling a smidge better, but still in pain. I thought it was just healing from the procedure. A few days later, I started feeling weird pops and growing achy. I called their office. Not only did they not tell me that anything went wrong during the procedure, but they just suggested I take a decongestant. Not much longer I developed a fever. They called in an antibiotic for me, but I insisted on coming in for them to look. They complied. It wasn’t until I go there that they mentioned my sinus was perforated during the extraction. I was really upset I wasn’t given that information. It seems kind of important to know I now have a hole where I shouldn’t have one. They even pulled some bone fragments out of the area. The problem I’ve got is I’ve finished the antibiotics and I still feel horrible and still have a fever. As I said at the beginning, I don’t trust this dentist anymore. What do you recommend?

Peggy A.

Dear Peggy,

Gilbert Emergency Dentist

There were some serious mistakes made here, so I don’t blame you for not trusting this practice any more. In the first place, while perforations do happen, there are very specific and important protocols which should have been taken. At the very least, he should have told you in order to warn you not to do things like blow your nose, which could derail any healing process.

Then, the incompetence of not clueing into the possibility that you had an infection when you called the first time is beyond me. Plus, it sounds like he placed you on the wrong antibiotics. You should have been significantly better within two days.

This needs to be addressed. First, talk to your doctor about what’s going on. He can get you on the correct antibiotic and arrange for you to have an emergency ENT (Ear, nose, and throat) appointment. They should get you on the road to recovery soon.

I’m guessing the reason you went to an emergency dentist to begin with is because you don’t have a regular dentist whom you see. Generally, that happens when a patient has dental anxiety. If that’s you, I wanted to give you some hope. When you start looking for another dentist, I’d like to suggest you try someone who uses dental sedation. This can give you a pain-free, stress-free appointment. I think it will help you feel comfortable going more regularly.

One of the best thing about most sedation dentists is they don’t judge or lecture. They’re used to working with fearful patients and are very compassionate.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt. Roper.

The BEST way to go to the dentist

Here is a letter a colleague of mine received. I can’t think of a better endorsement for sedation dentistry anywhere.

For years I have avoided the dentist (sorry about that), but not anymore. I have found the best way to go to the dentist. If you have any other chicken patients maybe you can tell them my story and they will find the help I did.

Dear Fellow Dental Chicken,

I understand how you feel. Whenever I thought about going to the dentist my whole body would tense up.  Who wants to pay for that kind of pain? The problem was I was starting to be in pain all the time.  I was getting cavities. Those cavities turned into tooth infections.

Even with the infection, I was still finding excuses to avoid the dentist. One evening, when I was in an abundance of pain, my friend Terri told me that if I didn’t take care of my tooth infection that it could spread. In a worst case scenario, it can even spread to my brain!

I don’t have to tell you that she put me in a little bit of a panic.  She told me about sedation dentistry and my life hasn’t been the same since.  I took a pill before my appointment. It relaxed me completely. To be honest, it relaxed me so much I don’t remember a whole lot about the dental appointment.  What I do know is that my infection is gone and I felt NO pain during my appointment.  Since then, I’ve been back twice to take care of all that dental work I have neglected over these years.

I hope this helps.

This blog has been brought to you by Gilbert Dentist Dr. Matt Roper.

Tooth pain versus dental fear

I’m in a lot of pain, but I have a horrible fear of being in a dental chair. I can’t decide which is worse. How do I find a dentist who doesn’t cause pain?

Drew B.- San Antonio


You are not alone in your dental fear.  A large number of Americans share your feelings. There is a way you can get your tooth ache dealt with and stay out of pain in the dental chair.

What you need is a sedation dentist. There are different levels of sedation. It sounds like your fear needs something stronger than nitrous oxide. Call around and see who will do at least oral conscious sedation.

This is a pill you take shortly before your appointment. You’ll need someone to drive you to and from the appointment, because you’ll be pretty groggy. What you won’t feel, is pain.

This blog is brought to you by Gilbert Dentist Dr. Matt Roper.

My child’s teeth are in bad shape

My daughter is five years old and she needs a lot of dental work done. She has two cavities on her molars that are pretty deep into the tooth. And two other molars are decayed and have lost their structure. In fact, about one-third of the tooth is gone. I don’t know what to do. Should I have the decayed teeth extracted? I really don’t want to have her teeth pulled if we don’t need to. She is also complaining about pain during chewing in one of the right molars. Do I need a pediatric dentist now? Unfortunately, she is not cooperative at the dentist which is a major reason we are in this situation.

– Carrie from Nebraska


From what you have described it sounds like you need to visit a pediatric dentist. At her age, she only has baby teeth in her mouth so eventually she will lose them. But, she does require those teeth to be in good shape so she can eat and keep the spaces for the upcoming permanent teeth. If the teeth are removed, then space maintainers will be needed so the permanent molars don’t cause crowding to her other teeth. There are pediatric dentists that do sedation dentistry. It is worth it if that is what is needed to get her smile healthy again. Cavities and decay at this age are largely due to the frequency in which children eat. From what it sounds like with the condition of her teeth now, she may be eating all day long, asking for treats constantly, etc. You need to discourage this kind of behavior and allow enough time between meals for her hunger to build up so you can break this habit. Over time, her dietary behavior will improve which will improve her dental health as well.

Dentists understand that kids will lose their teeth so they tend to think more temporarily. A crown may be used to treat the decayed molar versus extracting the tooth.

Good luck to you. I hope this information was helpful.

This post is sponsored by Gilbert dentist Vista Dorada Dental.

Related link: Sleep dentistry; dental anxiety

Recovering addict needing dental treatment

I am recovering from an opiate addiction and I am currently on methadone maintenance. I really need to get into a dentist as soon as possible since my teeth are in very bad shape. I have extensive dental work that is required. The last dentist I visited wouldn’t give me any pain medication once they learned I was on methadone. I encouraged him to contact the clinic I attend so they could grant permission. My doctor and counselor would have been more than willing to discuss this. In the past I’ve dealt with serious dental anxiety too. Can you recommend a way that I can proceed in attempting to get a dentist to help me. I desperately want to be out of pain.

-Vince from Oregon


Unfortunately many dentists and doctors alike are afraid of the Drug Enforcement Administration. Sometimes it is easier for a dentist to refuse treatment than deal with potential issues that may come out of prescribing pain medication. Some dentists tell about times where they got in hot water with the DEA just because they exercised compassion. Sadly, the patient is the one that suffers as this happens more often.

A good starting point in finding a compassionate dentist would be to find one that practices sedation dentistry or sleep dentistry. Be upfront about your situation and your request for post-operative pain medication. Many dentists are empathetic and genuinely want to help people. Keep looking. You will find someone that can help.

This post was provided by Gilbert dentist Vista Dorada Dental.