Tag Archives: gilbert dentist

Affordable Dentistry for Low-Income Patients with a Dental Emergency?

I need to find an affordable dentist for my dad. He is 63 and has a terrible toothache, but he’s also unemployed and on state insurance, which doesn’t provide dental coverage. Obviously, with the unemployment, he can’t really afford to have the tooth fixed, which is terrible. He keeps trying to live with it, thinking he’ll just fix it when he gets back on his feet again, but I’m really worried that it’s infected and that it’s getting worse. How do I find an affordable dentist who will help him?



Dear Jim,

I love when I see children taking care of their elderly parents. There are a lot of ways you can find an affordable dentist and it sounds like your dad needs to get in as soon as possible. Anytime there’s pain it is a dental emergency. If it’s an infection, it will get worse and spread, so it’s good that you’re looking into options.

The fastest way to get him treatment is to call around and see who offers payment plans. Some offices will provide in-house financing, but a lot of them are offering things like Care Credit, which is financing through a company that only helps people with medical bills.

They usually have a deal where, if you pay off the balance in six months or less, you don’t even have to pay interest on it. If you find an office that does either one of these things, any office can instantly become an affordable dentist and he can get treatment right away.

If he’s in a real bind, have him visit his primary care physician. Although a doctor won’t treat dental needs, he can assess it and determine if he thinks it’s infected. If it is, he’ll be able to prescribe antibiotics, which should be covered under his state medical care. This won’t fix the problem. He’ll still need to see a dentist, but it will buy him a little bit of time to work out which affordable dentist he’s going to see and how he’ll cover the expenses.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.

Why Would a Dentist Refer Me to a Neuro?

I had a horrible toothache about a month ago and I went to the emergency dentist. He told me that my tooth was dying and that it needed a root canal. He did the treatment and I expected the pain to go away, but it never did. I went back to see him yesterday and he did an exam and x-rays and told me the tooth was fine. Worse yet, I think he suggested that the pain was in my head. He suggested that I go see a neurologist. This is nuts. My tooth hurts. Is there really anything a neurologist can do or was the emergency dentist just trying to get me out of his office?

Stephanie – Wyoming

Dear Stephanie,

Though it sounds like the emergency dentist may have been missing some chairside manner, he wasn’t pulling your leg, and he wasn’t necessarily telling you that the pain was in your head either, though it likely sounded that way.

A neurologist can investigate whether nerve damage is causing your pain. Though it doesn’t happen every day, it can happen and it sometimes feels just like a toothache.

There are also other causes for pain, such as sinus pressure or sinus infections. The roots of your teeth reach up quite far, so trouble of almost any kind with your sinus cavities can feel like a toothache, too. If this is the case, you’ll probably have other cold or allergy symptoms as well, and taking a decongestant and/or antibiotic will help. You’ll need to see your primary care physician for a diagnosis if you think this might be the case.

The emergency dentist should have been able to make a diagnosis based on his x-rays and an exam. If there was something wrong with the tooth, or if the root canal was not effective, he should have been able to tell. But, if he was in  hurry, he might have missed something or he might not have looked at the neighboring teeth. Sometimes teeth in the same arch or section of the mouth can refer pain to one another, so it will feel like one tooth is bothering you, but it’s really another that’s giving off distress signals.

The bottom line is that if you’re still in pain, you need to find someone to help you. You may want to book an appointment with another dentist in the area for a second opinion, but make sure you don’t give him any information about your prior diagnosis. This way, you can be sure you’re getting a straight answer, and you’ll know 100% that you should book the next appointment with your primary care physician or a neurologist. Best of luck to you.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.

Will CEREC Crowns Blend with My Natural Teeth

I’ve been hearing a lot about CEREC crowns and I really want to take the plunge and get my dental work done. I’m more drawn to the simplicity of it all- go in and get it done and then just be done with it all. There’s no waiting with a temporary forever. My thing is, I really don’t care for vanity treatments. I think movie star smiles look ridiculous. Their teeth are too perfect- too white, too straight. That’s not the kind of smile I want. I have some slightly crooked teeth and they’ve darkened over the years, but that doesn’t bother me at all. It looks natural and that is beautiful to me. So, if I go in and see someone who does CEREC crowns, can the dentist make it look like my teeth are now, so it blends with my natural teeth? If not, I’ll probably just go the traditional route, as the dentist I usually see works with a lab who does nice shading. I just hate to wait.



Dear Melvin,

CEREC crowns come in all kinds of colors and can be shaded to match your teeth, so they blend perfectly and naturally into your smile.

With that said, not every doctor puts in the effort to make sure that the artistry is there. If you choose to go this route, be sure to ask to see photos of the doctor’s CEREC crowns, so you can gauge the results you can expect.

This may not be of huge importance for a tooth in the back, but front teeth are very hard to get right, especially if your teeth have multiple shades. Sometimes even labs have trouble pulling that off. Your best bet is to find out who performs the service in your area and review his smile gallery or before and after photos. If you see quality work, and you’re certain those are photos of CEREC crowns, you can probably go ahead with confidence. However, if you’re dealing with a front tooth and the dentist does not have photos of anterior in-office restorations, you may want to stick with the process you know will produce the results you want. It really comes down to how skilled of an artist the dentist is and how much time he invests in each restoration. Best of luck to you.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.

I Got Sick at My Sedation Dentist

I am kind of embarrassed. I think I ruined my dental appointment. I’ve been avoiding the dentist, so he called me to ask what the problem was. I told him I’ve been having some anxiety issues. He suggested sedation dentistry. I agreed and felt pretty comfortable. My appointment was scheduled for two. He told me not to eat. I thought I’d be fine, but around 10 I got super hungry.  I just had a candy bar and was sure it would be out of my tummy by my appointment. But, when I got the sedation, I vomited. I was too embarrassed to tell my dentist I ate. He rescheduled.  Do you think it was the eating or something else?

Loriee E. – Denver


It was likely the sedation that’s a problem. The medicine makes you a little woozy. When you add food to that, you’re just asking to vomit.  Many dentists won’t treat you if they know you’ve eaten because they worry about aspiration.

You’ll like sedation once it’s done with an empty stomach. It will completely change how you feel about dentistry.

If you have a high metabolism and it’s hard for you to go a long time without eating, you may tell them it’s important to schedule you in the morning.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.

Is There An Affordable Tooth Removal?

I had a cavity. I can’t afford a dentist. Now my face is swelling around my tooth with the cavity. Is there a dentist who does cheap tooth removal or a way I can do it myself?



I know you feel you can’t afford a dentist right now, but I want you to understand how serious this is. People can, and do still, die from tooth infections. If this isn’t dealt with, you put your health in serious jeopardy. In all honesty, you can’t afford not to get this looked at.

Most dentists went into the industry to help people. If you explained your financial situation, they’d likely work out a payment plan for you. Call an emergency dentist and tell them what you’ve told me.

Don’t try to take out the tooth yourself. A piece of the root will likely get left behind, and with it the infection. Plus, there could be a way to save at least the root of the tooth, which will be much healthier for you in the long run.  A root canal could save your tooth.

There are zero interest payment plans with medical credit companies, such as Care Credit.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.

Can I Go to An Emergency Dentist Without My Parents?

My mother has nagged me over and over again not to board without my mouthguard. I know I should have listened, but I really didn’t think it would be a big deal.I was wrong.  I face-planted and took a small piece of a tooth out. My mom’s gonna freak.  They’re out of town right now, so I’d love to sort this out before she gets back in town. Would an emergency dentist treat me when they’re gone?

Anthony – Staten Island


It’s refreshing that you’re trying to take responsibility for this. Unfortunately, you can’t get medical treatment on your own until you meet what is called the “age of majority”. In most states, that is 18.

You seem really mature. I especially like that you were willing to admit you wish you’d followed your mom’s advise. I’m guessing your mom will appreciate your honesty as well.

You can still get this taken care of before she returns, but you will need her help. She can give consent to your dentist by phone/email. Given that it is an emergency dental appointment, he or she will likely understand.

If it’s just a chip, the normal treatment would be dental bonding. If the dentist suggests a different treatment, I’d talk to your parents again before moving forward. You want to make sure you’re not being taken advantage of because your parents are gone.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.

Should I Switch Dentists to Get A CEREC Crown?

I need to get a crown. My best friend swears by CEREC crowns, but my dentist said he prefers to use his lab. Are they worth switching dentists to get them?

Morgan H. – Mississippi


A lot of really good cosmetic dentists have lab preferences. That’s because they have a close working relationship with them and they know the quality of work they do.

How good a crown is depends more on the skill of the dentist and lab than the brand.

The biggest benefit to CEREC crowns is the same day service. But, if you’re getting it on a front tooth, you may prefer a beautiful crown over a quick crown.

The decision is yours, of course, but if you’re happy with your current dentist, I wouldn’t necessarily think it is worth switching dentists over. On the other hand, if you aren’t too happy with your dentist, it might be a way for you to get a fast crown and check out a new dentist.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.

Will Sedation Let Me Get ALL My Dental Work Done?

I hate dentists. Hate them.  I’ve not gone in a while and as a result I need a lot of work.  Here’s the breakdown:

1 tooth pulled, 3 Dental Crowns. 1 Root Canal

Is it possible to get this all done at once?

Drew – Minnesota


It sounds like you’ve had some really bad experiences at the dentists. I assuming you know about sedation dentistry and that is why you’re asking if it can get done in one visit.

Depending on the dentist and how much work he’s willing to do at once, it’s possible to get at least most of it done in one sitting. It may take two. Either way, you won’t feel a thing.

Sedation is designed to give you a completely pain free dental experience. You may not even remember the procedures.  You may even find a way to, if not enjoy, at least no longer hate going to the dentist.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.

Affording a Dentist When Escaping Domestic Violence

I’ve left an abusive relationship. I need to get a job, but I have an ugly smile. I’ve been punched so many times that I have nothing attractive left about me. I am going to be hard pressed to get a job with zero work experience and no attractiveness to help me. I know I need to get my teeth worked on, but I have no way of affording it. Please tell me there are compassionate dentists who will help me.

Maggie D.  – Mississippi


I’m very proud of how brave you are. Leaving an abusive relationship is quite a difficult thing you’ve done. I hope you recognize the significance of that.

You’re in a tough spot, but I have some good news for you. There is an organization specifically designed for people in your position. The Give Back A Smile organization is a group of dentists who donate their services to women who’ve been in abusive relationships.

That will help you get your smile in shape in order to get a job, but it doesn’t solve your long term problem of needing quality, affordable dental care afterwards.

It takes a while to get on your feet financially and you’re starting from the beginning. You won’t want to neglect your oral health care in the meantime. I’d do a Google search for an affordable dentist. But, don’t stop there. You don’t just want cheap. You want affordable AND good. After you make a list of “affordable dentists”, check out the reviews they’ve gotten from patients. That should give you an idea of the kind of service you’ll get from that particular dentist.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.

Tell My Husband His Sore Gum Needs An Emergency Dentist

My husband said he cut his gum when he hit it with his fork. He says it’s fine and just sore, but I’m not so sure. It’s oozing. That doesn’t sound sore. That sounds infected.  Does he need an emergency dentist, as I think he does?

Amy F. – California


You’re right. Your husband needs to be seen by his own dentist right away, or an emergency dentist if that’s not possible. It sounds like he has an abscess, which as you noted, means an infection.

If he’s not seen soon, he’ll wake up with a swollen face. I know it’s hard to believe, but even in the United States people still die from tooth infections.  These infections can quickly spread to the brain or heart.

He’ll need to have the infected part of the tooth cleaned out, which has to be done manually by a dentist. It won’t be fixed by simply taking an antibiotic.

This blog is brought to you by Dr. Matt Roper.