I Want to Get ALL My Dental Work Done

I have avoided the dentist for years, but my mouth has been hurting so much that I went in. I need a LOT of work done. A LOT. I know it is my own fault, but I’ve never had a pleasant dental appointment in my entire life. I’ve decided it is time to man up. I want to get as much of this done at once as possible. So, give it to me straight. How much can I get done in one day?


Dear Troy,

woman asleep in the dental chair from dental sedation

You are not alone in your dental anxiety. Many of those anxieties start because they had a horrible experience at the dentist when they were children. This often happens because parents don’t think very young children need a dentist and wait until there is a problem before they bring them to the pediatric dentist. Then, their first experience in the dental chair is a painful and frightening one. That’s enough to keep anyone away!

I have a couple of pieces of good news for you. One, there is a way for you to have an anxiety-free/pain-free dental appointment. Two, there is a way for you to get more work done than would normally be possible in one appointment. Even better, they both have the same solution.

The best thing for you to do is to see a sedation dentist. They can prescribe you a medication that will completely relax you. I recommend that you find a dentist who offers oral conscious sedation. With this medication you will be able to sleep through your appointment if that is what you choose to do. It is so strong. The only real downside is that it’s strength means you will need someone to drive you to and from your appointment, as well as stay with you for a few hours after your appointment.

Dentists who offer sedation are more compassionate with their patients who have dental anxiety than most other dentists. Plus, because you are so relaxed, or even asleep, you are able to tolerate more work done in each sitting. Though, you need to know up front that dentists vary in the amount of work they are willing to do in each appointment.

This blog is brought to you by Gilbert Dentist Dr. Matt Roper.