Tag Archives: how much dental work can be done in one sitting?

How much dental work in one sitting?

I haven’t been to the dentist in ages. I finally went in last week and found out that I needed quite a bit of work done. That is not a huge surprise, but it is disappointing. I don’t want to live at the dentist’s office. I wondered how much dental work can be done in one sitting?

Brian L.


You haven’t mentioned what type of procedures you need. Is it just fillings? Or maybe you need some crowns and root canals?

How much can be done in one sitting depends on two things: 1. What type of procedures you need, and 2. Your tolerance in the chair.

Some people can handle a few hours, but it gets hard holding your mouth open.  I will tell you, that you could handle a lot more time in the chair if you used sedation dentistry. My suggestion would be either oral sedation dentistry or IV sedation. That will enable you  to get the most work done, with the least amount of discomfort to you.

If you go with sedation, you will need someone to drive you to and from your appointment.

This blog is brought to you by Gilbert Dentist Dr. Matt Roper.